Abdullah Ubai Bin Salul. Abdullah bin Ubai atau 'AbdAllah ibn Ubayy' (Arabic عبد الله بن أبي بن سلول meninggal dunia 631) juga digelar 'ibn Salul' yang merujuk kepada keturunan ibunya adalah ketua bani Arab Bani Khazraj yang tinggal di Madinah/YathribSemasa Nabi Muhammad berhijrah dan sampai di Madinah Ibn Ubayy turut mengaku sebagai seorang Muslim tetapi ramai mempertikaikannya.

The Death of Abdullah bin Ubayy Abdullah b Ubay b Salul was the leader of the munafiqs He worked very hard throughout his life in order to humiliate the Messenger of God to prevent the development of Islam and to set Muslims against one another He cast aspersions on many people in order to realize his evil aim.
Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul: Potret Munafiq di Zaman
Ketika terjadi pertengkaran antara Jahjah bin Mas’ud alGhifari dan Sinan bin Mas’ud alJuhani yang akhirnya menyulut pertengkaran antara kelompok Muhajirin dan Anshar datanglah seorang Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul yang memafaatkan situasi tersebut untuk memecah belah muslim Muhajirin dan Anshar.
`Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salul al`Aufi
OverviewPosition in MedinaConversionAbdAllah ibn Ubayy also called ibn Salul in reference to his mother (died 631) was a chief of the Arab tribe Banu Khazraj and one of the leading men of Medina (then known as Yathrib) Upon the arrival of Muhammad Ibn Ubayy became a Muslim though the sincerity of that conversion is disputed Because of repeated conflicts with Muhammad Islamic tradition has labelled him a Munafiq (hypocrite) and “leader of the Munafiqun” Ibn Ubayy was one of the chiefs of the Khazraj who at his time were in conflict with the other major Arab tribe of the city the Banu Aws During the fidjar the socalled “sacrilegious war” Ibn Ubayy had led parts of the Khazraj tribe on the first day of fighting but held aloof on the second day Neither did he participate in the Battle of Bu'ath due to a quarrel with another leader over the execution of Jewish hostages It appears that at one point during this conflict his life was saved After the entry of Muhammad in Medina large parts of the Arab population converted to Islam Ibn Ubayy followed suit according to Maxime Rodinson as “he thought it wiser to join than to stand out against it” Islamic tradition which views Ibn Ubayy's conversion as insincere labelled him “leader of the hypocrites” (munafiqun) Being second only to Muhammad Ibn Ubayy became a “figurehead for those Arabs of Medina who openly or secretly sneered at the Prophet's teaching and complained of th.
Abdullah bin Ubai Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas
Abdullah bin Abi Salool (Arabic عبد الله بن أبي بن سلول died 631) also called Ibn Salul in reference to his grandmother was a chief of the Arab tribe Banu Khazraj and one of the leading men of Medina (then known as Yathrib) Other names The head of the hypocrites زعيم المنافقينFamily (tribe)Years active 624 – 631Known for Being the leader of the.
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The Death of Abdullah bin Ubayy Questions on Islam
More details about `Abdullah bin Ubayy bin Salul al`Aufi are found in Sirat Rasul Allah pages 2056 2779 363 3712 437 463 481 4912 495 604 621 623In particular the above story of the suspicion against `A'isha is told somewhat different on pages 493499.