Ali Imran 26 27 Mp3. Ayah alMulk (Surah Ale Imran 2627) It is narrated that the Holy Prophet (saw) once advised one of his companions who was in debt to recite this ayah after every prayer and then supplicate to Allah (swt) for the repayment of his debts saying that even if the debts are equal to the entire land on Earth they will be repaid.

Surat ‘Ali `Imran [verses 2627] Say “O Allah Owner of Sovereignty You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will In Your hand is [all] good Indeed You are over all things competent.
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26 Say (O Muhammad ) “O Allah! Possessor of the kingdom You give the kingdom to whom You will and You take the kingdom from whom You will and You endue with honor whom You will and You humiliate whom You will In Your Hand is the good Verily You are Able to do all things 27.
Surah AliImran, Ayat 2627 by Ustaz Khairul Anuar Al
Surat ali imran ayat 27 Surat ali imran ayat 26 dan 27âli imran suresi 26 27 âyetleri ezberlemek için 40 tekrar Jika ingin membaca ayat ini dalam solat baca ayat ini pada rakaat pertama dan baca ayat 128 129 surah at taubah sebanyak 7 kali pada rakaat kedua.
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