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Bebek Mercon serves Jawa Makassar Soto Indonesian Home Indonesia Bekasi Mustikajaya Restaurant Bebek Mercon Bebek Mercon Mustikajaya Bekasi Quick Bites 50 2 visits Binge on some delectable dishes panned across Jawa Makassar Soto and Indonesian cuisines and loaded with flavor Give your taste buds a treat and your hunger pangs a rest with any dish off the.
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Bebek Mercon Jl Kayon No 10A Genteng Surabaya Find Bebek Mercon menu photo reviews contact and location on Qraved.
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Kumpulan Kuliner Nyentrik khas Surabaya Kooliner
Bebek Mercon restaurant, No.10 A Surabaya, Kayoon St
Bebek Mercon #2825 among Surabaya restaurants 55 reviews by visitors and 20 detailed photos Find on the map and call to book a table.