Bsa Swim Test. The swim test consists of a 25yard swim during which youth are asked to achieve the following Jump into the pool submerge fully return to the surface and immediately begin swimming without pushing off the wall Swim in a horizontal position on top of the water using a forward crawl and breaststroke.

PDF fileThe BSA Swim Test must be documented on the BSA Unit Swim Classification Record and submitted during check inNonswimmers and Beginner Swimmers will not be allowed to participate and will be sent home at their own expense Please note that Sea Base does not provide onsite BSA Swim Tests.
Swim Test BSA Swimmer Classification Aquatics Camp
Filling out Bsa Swim Test Form Fillable does not really have to be complicated any longer From now on easily cope with it from your apartment or at your office from your smartphone or desktop Get form Experience a faster way to fill out and sign forms on the web Access the most extensive library of templates available Get Form Completing FAQ What are the requirements.
COVID19 changes to Scouts BSA requirements expiring March
The 100 yards must be completed in one swim without stops and must include at least one sharp turn After completing the swim rest by floating Beginners pass this test Jump feetfirst into water over the head in depth level off and swim 25 feet on the surface Stop turn sharply resume swimming and return to the starting place.
Your Ultimate Guide To The BSA Swim Test ScoutSmarts
PDF fileBSA Swim Test Certification A BSA Lifeguard or Red Cross Lifeguard MUST administer this test A copy of their certification card MUST accompany this form Incomplete forms or absence of proof of certification will void the Swim Test Note to Lifeguard It is very important that you administer this test exactly as stated Do not make exceptions for any reason There are three.
Bsa Swim Test Fill Online Printable Fillable Blank Pdffiller BSA SWIM TEST
National High Adventure Sea Base
How do you pass the BSA swim test?
Bsa Swim Test Form 2021 Sign Printable … Fill Out and
Aquatics Safety Boy Scouts of America
Unit Swim Classification Record Boy Scouts of America
BSA Swim Test Scouter Mom
BSA Swim Test Woolipedia Wiki Fandom
Swim Test OCBSA
Swim Assessments & Rowing/BSA Swim Tests YMCA of
National High Adventure Sea Base, BSA Sea Base Scuba Programs
Swim Classification Tests National Capital Area Council
PDF fileBSA Swim Test Certification A BSA Lifeguard or Red Cross Lifeguard MUST administer this test A copy of their certification card MUST accompany this form Incomplete forms or absence of proof of certification will void the Swim Test Note to Lifeguard It is very important that you administer this test exactly as stated Do not make exceptions for any reason There are three.