Colae Semen. Colae semen preparations with caution Colae semen preparations like other c affeine containing preparations reduce action of sedative drugs and increase side effects caused by sympathomimetic drugs 46 Fertility pregnancy and lactation Wellestablish.

Colae semen Zarodek kola FP X ang Surowcem są pozbawione łupiny nasiennej nasiona (całe lub połamane) wymienionych roślin zawierające nie mniej niż 15% kofeiny Surowiec zawiera zespół alkaloidów purynowych głównie kofeiny (do 25%) i mniejsze ilości teobrominy i teofiliny.
Colae semen Altmeyers Encyclopedia Department Phytotherapy
Latin name of herbal substance Colae semen Botanical name of plant Cola nitida (Vent) Schott et Endl (C vera K Schum) Cola acuminata (P Beauv) Schott et Endl English common name of herbal substance Cola Status P Draft published Date added to the inventory 30/10/2007 Date added to priority list 16/07/2009 Outcome of European.
Colae semen list of references European Medicines Agency
Colae Semen Cola Cola nitida (Vent) Schott et Endl (Syn Cola vera K Schum) Cola acuminata (P Beauv) Schott et Endl Sterculia acuminata P Beauv Published 2014 Format PDF Online viewing (for only €30 per year you can view online all the monographs) SUMMARY The herbal monograph selects and summarises scientific studies and [].
Community herbal monograph on Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott et
Call for submission of scientific data relating to the assessment of Colae semen Cola nitida (Vent) Schott et Endl (c Vera K Schum) and Cola acuminata (P Beauv).
Pharmawiki Kolasamen
Zarodek kola FARMAKOGNOZJA ON LINE Colae semen czyli
Cola (Colae semen) Herbal medicines for human use
Colae semen European Medicines Agency
Colae Semen (Cola) ESCOP
Colae semen also known as cola seeds is a drug used in herbal medicines to treat mental and physical fatigue This section has been translated automatically Cola seeds contain at least 15 % methylxanthines (15 to 3 % caffeine approximately 01 % theobromine) and up to 04 % catechin tannins This section has been translated automatically.