Compacted Graphite Cast Iron. Contributing to efforts towards world sustainability compacted graphite cast iron stands out as one of the most promising materials for the new generation of more efficient internal combustion engines This material has superior mechanical properties allowing reduction in the component weight.

Compacted graphite iron (CGI) along with lamellar graphite iron and spheroidal graphite iron define the three main classes of cast iron according to morphology An important measure for assessing the application of CGI is the machinability levels and through specific studies it was concluded that CGI is much more difficult to machine than standard grey cast irons.
SinterCast AB Compacted Graphite Iron
TY JOUR T1 A Hypothesis for Cast Iron Microstructures AU Campbell John PY 2009/12/1 Y1 2009/12/1 N2 The various microstructures of cast irons are reviewed including carbidic and graphite forms (flake compacted spheroidal and undercooled etc) exploring whether the presence of externally introduced defects in the form of oxide double films (bifilms) in.
Compacted Graphite Iron for Diesel Engine Cylinder Blocks
Compacted graphite iron (CGI) also called vermicular graphite iron is the most recent member of the cast iron family since the 1940s [1] The vermicularshaped (ie worm shaped) graphite is.
Cast Irons; Types, Properties, Applications & Weldability
In vermicular graphite cast irons (VG irons) graphite is present in a wormlike stubby form with rounded edges This material is also popularly known as compacted graphite cast iron or as CG iron Vermicular graphite cast iron was an accidental discovery during tonnage production of SG iron castings and was initially considered a degraded.
The Strange Case Of Compacted Graphite Iron A Remarkable Option With Unique Material Properties Or An Unusable Alloy Scientific Net
Compacted (Vermicular) Graphite Iron Castings Ductile
Compacted graphite iron Wikipedia
Vermicular Graphite Cast Iron :: Total Materia Article
Compacted Graphite Iron: A Viable Alternative
Cast Iron Microstructures A Hypothesis for — University of
Iron (PDF) Compacted Graphite
Practical Applications for Compacted Graphite Iron
Compacted Graphite Cast Iron Mechanical Properties of
High Speed Machining Compacted Graphite Iron
prEN 16079 rev Founding Compacted (vermicular
Compacted Graphite Cast Iron
Critical assessment of compacted graphite cast iron
Compacted Graphite Iron Castings Durham Foundry
compacted graphite iron properties compacted graphite
(PDF) Graphite Nucleation in Compacted Graphite Cast Iron
Compacted Graphite Iron Cast irons are differentiated by the shape of the graphite particles Grey cast iron is characterized by randomly oriented graphite flakes while the graphite in ductile iron exists as individual spheres The graphite particles in CGI are randomly oriented and elongated as in grey iron but they are shorter thicker and have rounded edges.