Dragon Nest Solo Class. Judging our recommendation on the topranked arena leaders the two best classes for PvP in Dragon Nest M are the warrior (Sword Master specialization) and the cleric (Paladin specialization) The warrior can dish out strong midranged attacks while the cleric can take a lot of beating making them both ideal for the arena.

10262016 1055 AM Dark classes all have a transformation skill these skills allows you to transform into a different version and make it so your basic skills will be instantly casted as well as giving you long air times Dark avenger can spam tumble with no cd and has a lot of aoe CC skills Casting silver hunter skills in the air during.
Top Easy To Control Classes/Characters In PVP And PVE In
But every class can solo even sorcs which are supposed to be glass cannon types 2 level 1 xRuneRocker 4 years ago Dont worry about lvling you will reach cap in about 24 days of playing Look for a class that is fun to play once u hit cap Personally I’d say gladiator With so many iframes you will hardly get hit once you master it.
Dragon Nest Best Solo Class – Artlovers.me
This category contains all of the available classes to play in Dragon Nest A class is what a character’s power and skills are based on There are nine starter classes Archer Sorceress Warrior Cleric Assassin Academic Kali Lancea and Machina Each of these beginning classes split into further secondary classes and tertiary classes.
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Best class for solo play? : DragonNest
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