Halim Sakti Pratama. Pt halim sakti pratama Pt halim sakti pratama is an Importer in Indonesia We provide complete trade details of Importers like Product Price Quantity HS code Ports and suppliers Import data is collected through Govt sources port authorities and shipping line companies We provide complete insight about every importer.

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Pt halim sakti pratama Importer in Indonesia, Pt halim
PT HALIM SAKTI PRATAMA is the headquarter office of HALIM SAKTI GROUP companies supplying specialty and industrial chemical in Indonesia for more than 35 years PT Halim Sakti Pratama as one of the chemical trading companies with ISO 90012015 and in order to support our expanding business we challenge energetic and enthusiast individuals to join our success.
Adi Putra IT Staff PT HALIM SAKTI PRATAMA Business
PT Halim Sakti Pratama is the headquarter office of PT Halim Sakti Group of companies supplying specialty and industrial chemical in Indonesia for more than 35 years Besides trading activities our company have also embarked into manufacturing and established the first plant in Surabaya producing food ingredients such as cake emulsifiers baking powder jelly powder.
PT Halim Sakti Pratama is the headquarter office of PT Halim Sakti Group companies supplying specialty and industrial chemical in Indonesia for more than.
Global High Purity Calcium Aluminate Cements Market 2021 Industry Growth Size Share Company Profiles And Competitive Landscape To 2027 Article Block
Andre Jesse Import Export Manager PT. Halim Sakti
PT. HALIM SAKTI PRATAMA Company Profile Jakarta …
Company Profile of Halim Sakti Pratama
Working at PT Halim Sakti Pratama company profile and
Halim Sakti Pratama, PT STEELINDONESIA.COM® Informasi
Vitamin C Halim Sakti Pratama, PT Ingredients Network
Halim Sakti Pratama, JAKARTA JK 11430 Buyer Report — Panjiva
Cake Emulsifier (Ryoto Ester SP) Halim Sakti Pratama, PT
PT. Halim Sakti Pratama detailed incorporation information
Steven Ramli Sales Executive HALIM SAKTI PRATAMA, PT
Daftar perusahaan Kimia Seluruh Indonesia
PT HALIM SAKTI PRATAMA Sep 2020 Present 1 year 5 months Jakarta Indonesia Research Assistant University of Washington Sep 2019 Aug 2020 1.