I Had Or I Have. If I Had The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation If I Would Have vs If I Had When talking about something that didn’t happen in the past many English speakers use the conditional perfect (if I would have done) when they should be using the past perfect (if I had done) For example you find out that your brother saw a movie yesterday.

Yes It is incorrect to say “I have received your email last week” The objection is that you have a perfect tense (‘have received’) together with a mention of a specific time in the past (‘last week’) I agree that standing alone there is something anomalous about “I had sent you an email earlier”20200709201903132013102120121009.
HAVE HAD and HAD HAD in English – Espresso English
The sentence “Had I known you were coming I would have baked a cake” is an elliptical one in that some words have been left out by idiomatic reasons We need to write it out completely to analyze it “If I had known that you were coming then I would have baked a cake” Now the “had known” is in the past perfect tense.
I had informed or I have informed? TextRanch
The difference is in terms of tense and subject First you have to make sure that you understand the tense that you are using For example If you use has alone it is referring to the “third person” and saying that that person possesses something ( She has a beautiful car ).
what is the difference between “I have been” and “I had …
When you use “had been” or “had never been” it shows that something was continuing for a length of time in the past but it is over now – it is in the past Some more examples I had been running up to an hour every day but stopped once the Marathon was over I had been thinking about traveling but that ended when my Father got sick.
The Verb Have Chart English Verbs English Grammar
If I Would Have vs. If I Had The Blue Book of Grammar
Have Had vs. Had Had Go Natural English
with or I have discussed with? I had discussed
Has vs. Had Daily Writing Tips
vs. Had English Grammar Has vs. Have
What’s the difference between ‘I have had and I had’? …
present perfect “have had When is it necessary to use
You Learn English have? Helping When to use has, had and
/ “I have had finished the work on friday” grammar “I
Been And Had Difference Between Have Been
Does I’d mean “I had” or “I would”? – Speakspeak
Past perfect simple ( I had worked ) English Grammar
Errors in English would have would have vs had Common
I have had it, my constituents have had it Canada Free Press
Difference Between Have Had and Had Compare the
Have, Has, or Had: Which to Use? Cakap
On Friday I had finished the work and so I went out to the pub instead”) “I have finished the work” similarly focuses on the state of affairs now and says that by now the work is finished I might have finished it on today or any day before including Friday.