Lockdown Transformers. FictionCommercialsGamesToysMerchandiseNotesReferencesAge of Extinction film 1 Voice actor Mark Ryan (English) Tsutomu Isobe (Japanese) more»Zhao Xiaoming (Chinese) Carlos Segundo (Latin American Spanish) Alfonso Vallés (Castilian Spanish) Emmanuel Jacomy (European French) René Gagnon (Canadian French) KlausDieter Klebsch (German) Rodolfo Bianchi (Italian) Ronaldo Júlio (Portuguese) Altan Gördüm (Turkish) «less Lockdown was tasked by the mysterious Creators to capture all their rogue “knights” He spent centuries on the task using a commandeered and conv Toy bios One of Lockdown's latest targets was Ratchet whose destruction he will be paid handsomely for Once he has accepted a contract nothing short of total deactivation can stop him While his services have never come cheap he considers himself to be the best there is at what he does Having never lost a target Lockdown had no intentions for the hunt for Ratchet to be the first time Revenge of the FallenDeluxe Lockdown Another Autobot target Lockdown has run afoul of was Arcee A long time ago Cyber Missions 1 Voice actor Bronco D Jackson (English) more»Juan Carlos Tinoco (Latin AmericanSpanish) Maurício Berger (Brazilian Portuguese) «less Lockdown was cruising the city streets when he was encountered by Ratchet who had been alerted to Lockdown's presence by Optimus Prime due to their “violent history” For blocks Lockdown fled Ratchet silently as the Autobot fired his EMP blaster until he transformed into robot mode and expressed his frustration Finally when Ratchet's EMP blaster faile Lockdown was helping a bunch of Vehicons build the Galvatron Factory Battle set when Optimus came stomping in on the scene atop of Grimlock Though he tried to flee Lockdown wound up getting stomped on by the Dinobot and went to pieces KreO Dino Force commercial StrikeZone Showdown Lockdown Bludgeon and Megatron faced off against Ironhide Ratchet and Bumblebee in the middle of a forest in a battle to the death Lockdown would fire lasers to defeat his opponents StrikeZone Showdown Transformers Dark of the Moon Autobots/Decepticons 1 Voice actor Joey Camen (English) more»Javier Gámir (Castilian Spanish) «less On Megatron's orders as relayed by Starscream Lockdown broke into a NEST facility and stole information from the supercomputer relating to NEST operations in the Pacific When he had finished basking in his victory he sent the data to Starscream who ordered Lockdown to investigate a reactivated Sector 7 base and the Decepticon ended up tangling with Mirage He was later called on again to provide a diversio Bot Shots Battle Game! Lockdown participated in numerous oneonone matches against other Autobots and Decepticons using his fists his sword or his gun to defeat his opponents Sometimes he even faced off against himself! Bot Shots Battle Game! Revenge of the Fallen 1 Lockdown (Deluxe 2010) 11 TakaraTomy ID number RD26 12 Accessories Engine 1 Lockdown's design strongly homages his Transformers Animated counterpart but with a completely different transformation Once again Lockdown transforms into an amalgam of a 1980s Corvette and a 1960s Cougar with lots of spikes and a cowcatcher on his bumper The toy's Mech Alivefeature rotates cylinders inside his thighs as his lower legs rotate and pneumatic cylinders extend as his Capture Hook is de Bot Shots 1 Lockdown (2012) 11 Series 1 12 Number B008 121 Fist strength 445 122 Blaster strength 275 123 Sword strength 895 1 Part of the third wave of Bot Shots Lockdown is a teeny little “road warrior”ish car with a springloaded automatic transformation to robot mode triggered when his front bumper is pressed He has a “spinner” in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels 1 Lockdown's main car body arms and legs are also used by Bot Shots Barricade Bumb QTransformers 1 Lockdown (20141226) 11 ID number QT03 1 QTransformers Lockdown is a super deformed toy that transforms from a cutesified superdeformed Lamborghini Aventador to robot like in the film He comes with a code for unlocking Lockdown as a playable character in the QTransformers Mystery of Convoy Returns game though his ingame appearance is based on his Revenge of the Fallendesign instead of this toy 1 11 111 More information on QTransformersLockdown at TFUinfo 1 Lockdown ( Robot Powered Machines 1 Lockdown (2010) 11 Series Metal Heroes 12 Number 08 1 Robot Powered Machines MiniVehicle Lockdown is a small nontransforming diecast rendition of his vehicle mode His robot mode is sculpted underneath the vehicle and his wheels use throughaxle construction that lets the toy zip around at high speeds on smooth surfaces He has more painted details than the more widelyreleased Speed Starsversion below 1 RPM Lockdown appears to have been released only in some European market Speed Stars 1 Lockdown (2010) 11 Series Metal Heroes 12 Number 08 1 Speed Stars Lockdown is a small nontransforming diecastrendition of his vehicle mode His robot mode is sculpted underneath the vehicle and his wheels use throughaxle construction that lets the toy zip around at high speeds on smooth surfaces 1 When shown at BotCon 2010 Lockdown had a completely different color scheme being predominantly gold with blue flames on his hood green hubcaps a red engine and a gray bumper a The head on Revenge of the Fallen Deluxe Lockdown's instruction lineart is actually that of his retool Axor The head can be seen in much clearer detail on page 8 of the San Diego ComicCon HasbroHasbro's Revenge of the Fallen website describes both Arcee and Ratchet as Lockdown's enemy on their respective pages mirroring the relationship between their AnimatedcounterpartsIn reference to his Animated counterpart Lockdown's Age of Extinctionincarnation has the ability to transform his hands into various weapons such as the famous hook a blaster a spark extractorEarly concept art for Lockdown indicates that at one point he would have hewed closer to his original Animated design not only would he have sported a greenandblack color scheme and a tattered ” ↑ 10 11 Transformers Comic issue 51 bio “The Lockdown on Lockdown” The spare parts is an Animatedtrait that was added in↑ 20 21 Hasbro Lockdown Battle Bio↑ Hasbro Axor Battle Bio.

Trivia Lockdown was one of the primary antagonists of Transformers Age of Extinction the second that wasn't a Decepticon the Lockdown is the first Cybertronian that isn't allied with either side to appear in the series Lockdown is one of the few Cybertronians who eyes are green the others Aliases The Bounty HunterSpecies Cybertronian.
Lockdown (G1) Transformers Wiki
FictionGamesToysMerchandiseNotes2005 IDW continuity When the infamous Decepticon Deadlock failed in a mutiny against his commander and deserted Megatron called on the bounty hunter Lockdown to find him and return him to the Decepticons Lockdown with the help of some slave traders found Deadlock on an unassuming planet where a mysterious third neutral faction had been in hiding for eons Drift #2 Lockdown explained to Deadlock that even though Deadlock's former boss Turmoil wanted Deadlock dead Megatron felt that Deadlock was too import Angry Birds comic Lockdown was among Megatron's forces who attacked an Autobot ship in an attempt to seize the AllSpark only to be knocked back into space by Heatwave's water blasts Angry Birds Transformers #1 Cloud The Lockdown of Cloud World was a bounty hunter tasked with putting Deadlock to heel and curbing his violent and murderous impulses Deadlock didn't take kindly to his discipline Later somewhere and somewhen Lockdown was killed by Grand Scourge in a massacre His death impassioned Deadlock to hunt down Scourge so that he could kill him in revenge Decepticon Jaeger Deadlock Transformers Legends After the Decepticon Deadlock went MIA Lockdown tracked him to an unfamiliar planet Despite teaming up with some local hunters Lockdown was sent packing by the Circle of Light Circle of Light Angry Birds Transformers 1 Main article Moustache Pig#As Lockdown Lockdown appears as one of the first unlockable characters He is portrayed by Moustache Pig He also appears as an Energon version Angry Birds Transformers Transformers Earth Wars Lockdown was on a mission from Megatron to eliminate Perceptor But without his rifle as he wanted his “trophy” intact with minimal burns and shrapnel Seeing that Perceptor was trying to escape through the Space Bridge the Decepticons attempted to recall Lockdown to Earth so he could finish the job But Sharkticons kept coming through instead Feeding Frenzy They soon cleared out all the Sharkticons but Lockdown wouldn't letting his trophy out of sight his constant moving preventing the Revenge of the Fallen 1 Lockdown (Deluxe Class 2010) 11 Japanese ID number RD26 12 Accessories Engine 1 Revenge of the Fallen Lockdown's design is a strong homage to his Animated counterpart Lockdown transforms into an amalgam of a 1980s Corvette and a 1960s Cougar with lots of spikes and a cowcatcher on his bumper The toy's Mech Alivefeature rotates cylinders inside his thighs as his lower legs rotate and pneumatic cylinders extend as his Capture Hook is deployed 1 Lockdown may have the most arti Transformers Trading Card Game 1 Lockdown Bounty Hunter (2019) 11 Wave 4 War for Cybertron Siege II 12 Rarity CT 13 Card Number T07/T52 14 Stars 10 1 Lockdown Bounty Hunter is one of 52 character cards released in Wave 4 of the Transformers Trading Card Game War for Cybertron Siege II Neither Autobot nor Decepticon Lockdown is a member of the Mercenaryfaction introduced in the set 1 The card features original artwork for both modes based on Lockdown's appearances in IDW's comics The card's lineart Artist Alex Milne initially came up with an original design for Lockdown but was asked by Hasbro to use the Revenge of the Fallen Lockdown's design instead It was editor Denton J Tipton who sugg.
Lockdown (Transformers Film Series) Shrekadventures Wiki
OverviewBiographyPersonalityLockdown is one of the two main antagonists of the 2014 film Transformers Age of Extinction and the main antagonist of the noncanon video game Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark He was a ruthless Cybertronian mercenary who had affiliated himself with the Creators as a Cybertronian bounty hunter which led to his earthly presence when Lockdown was sent by Quintessa to capture Optimus Prime He was voiced by Mark Ryan Upon arriving on Earth to proceed in completing his mission Lockdown had at some point interacted with Harold Attinger and learned of his purpose of eliminating all Transformers from Earth The two would form a partnership and a mutual respect forming a deal that Lockdown would assist Attinger's CIA unit into hunting down Autobots being provided unlimited access to Earth's resources in exchange for locating Optimus Prime He finds Ratchet and asks him where is Optimus and when Ratchet did Answering only to his enigmatic “Creators” Lockdown holds himself above the Autobot/Decepticon war and sees both sides as squabbling children that he has to rein in personally He doesn't think much of other civilized species across the galaxy (particularly humans) though he isn't above working with them if it suits him He even seems to despise his own race based on his view of the war being childish Despite admiting that he doesn't care about Harold Attinger's reasons for hunting his fellow.
Lockdown Transformers Film Series Wiki Fandom
Lockdown is the central antagonist of the 2014 film Transformers Age of Extinction and the main antagonist of the noncanon video game Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark He is a ruthless Cybertronian mercenary who had affiliated himself with Harold Attinger and the Creators to hunt down all Transformers on Earth including Optimus Prime He was also tasked to plant a seed to wipe out humanity.
New Transformers Toy Visual Toys Lockdown Vt01 Ko Ut R01 Version Action Figures Transformers Robots
Lockdown (Transformers Film Series) Villains Wiki Fandom
Lockdown (ROTF) Transformers Wiki
Movies Wikia Lockdown Transformers Fandom
OverviewRelationshipsEven the Decepticons are afraid of this guy because once Lockdown has been hired to track down a subject nothing stops him from completing his transaction short of total deactivation! Answering only to his enigmatic “Creators” Lockdown holds himself above the Autobot/Decepticon war and sees both sides as squabbling children that he has to reign in personally He doesn't think much higher of other civilized species across the galaxy (particularly humans) though isn't above working with them i Allies Optimus Prime Killer Bumblebee Indirect Killer Cade Yeager Indirect Killer Tessa Yeager Indirect Killer Shane Dyson Indirect Killer Harold Attinger Reluctant Ally James Savoy Reluctant Ally Cemetery Wind's Soldiers Reluctant Allies Ratchet Victim Lucas Flanndery Victim.