Simbol Plus. The trademark symbol ™ is a symbol to indicate that the preceding mark is a trademark specifically an unregistered trademarkIt complements the registered trademark symbol ® which is reserved for trademarks registered with an appropriate government agency In Canada an equivalent marque de commerce symbol ???? (U+1F16A) is used in Quebec Some German.
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symbol definition 1 a sign shape or object that is used to represent something else 2 something that is used to Learn more.
SYMBOL meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
An arrow is a graphical symbol such as ← or → or a pictogram used to point or indicate directionIn its simplest form an arrow is a triangle chevron or concave kite usually affixed to a line segment or rectangle and in more complex forms a representation of an actual arrow (eg U+27B5) The direction indicated by an arrow is the one along the length of the line or rectangle.
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Memahami (Kembali) Arti Simbol dalam Flow Chart – Inside Main
Trademark symbol Wikipedia
Arrow (symbol) Wikipedia
Agar tidak terganggu pasang Adblock Plus pada Firefox atau Chrome Anda Top Posts & Halaman Memahami (Kembali) Arti Simbol dalam Flow Chart Tips Membuat Flowchart Profesional Memahami (Kembali) Arti Simbol dalam Flow Chart Flow chart ‘diagram alir’ telah dikenal luas dan umum digunakan untuk menggambarkan alur proses atau langkahlangkah.